Catholic Parish of
The Most Holy Redeemer

The Catenians

 Catenians Association

The 'Catenian Association', formed a little over 100 years ago, is a social organisation for Catholic Men and has around 10,000 members, mostly in the UK, but also in Ireland, Malta, Zimbabwe, Australia and India. Our aim is to increase the depth and richness of the Catholic Community and family life through friendship, social and charitable activities.

Through it's Bursary Fund financial support is available to young Catholics, whether Catenian or not, between the ages of 16 and 24 who embark on works of charity involving Christian and particularly Catholic pilgrimages to Lourdes.

The Billericay Circle was formed in 1995 and currently has 58 members (known as Brothers) most of whom attend the Most Holy Redeemer Church.

We meet at Reid's on Laindon Road on the 4th Wednesday of each month, except for December. Meetings are followed by a dinner.

Social events and 4 of the 11 monthly dinners are open to wives, other family members and friends. Guests do not need to be Catholics. The 4 dinners are based around the following themes:
- Burns Night in January
- Irish Night in March
- Past President's Night in May or June
- Clergy Night in November

There is also a Ladies only event organised by the President's wife.

If you would like to know more about the 'Catenians' you can contact our membership officer (Ray Keilthy) by email or on 07789 885804.

The Most Holy Redeemer. Diocese of Brentwood.
The Brentwood Diocesan Trust. Registered Charity No. 234092

Created by Louis Higgs. Copyright © 2017

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