Get Involved
As part of the Catholic way of life, we encourage our parishioners to get involved with activities in or around the Church. We feel that by donating a little of your time, you can help make a big difference within our community.
If you would like more information about any of the groups or organisations we have in our parish please read our "Opportunities to Serve" booklet or contact the Parish Office on 01277 624891.
Groups and Organisations
Our parish has several groups and organisations, both internal and external, covering many aspects of our community. Please feel free to see if there is one that you would like to join.
Explore our Groups and Organisations >
At The Most Holy Redeemer we offer a number of courses that cover the various aspects of the Catholic faith.
View Courses >
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a method, approved by HMRC, of substantially increasing the value of your offerings at absolutely no cost or inconvenience to you. Your donations are whatever you feel you can afford and need not be a fixed commitment. Whatever you give is gratefully received as your personal support to the Parish.
Find out more and join >