Catholic Parish of
The Most Holy Redeemer
Faith in Action

Faith in Action is a fundraising group of young parishioners aged 8 years of age and older who are part of the Most Holy Redeemer parish. We meet every other Tuesday at 6pm and we do all sorts of fun activities together such as brainstorming fundraising projects, planning events and creating posters and various displays needed for successful events. Since 2023 we have organised cake sales and helped clean and stack shelves at the foodbank at the St Vincent De Paul centre for homeless people in Southend. In addition to this we have also held a successful Bingo event to support the work of Cafod and we have participated in the organising and running of church events such as the Gingerbread Bethlehem. Together we have raised over £1,500 this year for various charities.

If you have any questions related to Faith in Action, please contact Kristin De Freitas, our Family Co-ordinator at

Faith in Action
Faith in Action
Faith in Action

The Most Holy Redeemer. Diocese of Brentwood.
The Brentwood Diocesan Trust. Registered Charity No. 234092

Created by Louis Higgs. Copyright © 2017

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