The parish has a number of parishioners who are called to the lay Ministry of Reader at Sunday Mass.
As well as proclaiming the Word, the regular Sunday Readers also take on other duties such as announcing the intentions of the Prayer of the Faithful; some also read on weekday mornings and at special services such as the Parish Carol Service.
Regular Sunday Readers, who are usually confirmed Christians of any age, need to be approved by the Parish Priest. It should be stressed that to be a Reader is not to have all relevant knowledge and ability, even after many years in this Ministry, but to commit to a long-term process of learning.
There are also reading opportunities for anyone with the necessary abilities but unable to commit to being a scheduled Sunday Reader: For children to read at 11am Sunday Mass and for adults or children to read at weekday morning and special Masses and at other services.
If you are willing to offer to serve as a Reader (and go on to the organised rota), you should first approach Fr Dan or the Parish Office.