The 9 o'clock Choir
Under the direction of Kathy Underhill this Choir is fairly traditional in its approach. Rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings at 8.00 pm. For over 50 years the Choir was directed by Arthur Sparke who built up a large repertoire of pieces from both the Catholic and Anglican traditions. Kathy took over in 2004 and has continued this legacy along with recent pieces, some composed by Parish Musicians. Over the years the Choir has welcomed family and friends to join with us as The Most Holy Redeemer Singers for Concert tours (Paris, Brussels, Barcelona, Rome and Venice). To sing for Mass in the Vatican and St Mark’s Basilica, Venice, has been a highlight. All age groups and voices are welcome. Sight reading skills are not essential as support in learning new music is given in detail at rehearsals along with electronic support. For details, please contact Kathy Underhill.
The 11 o'clock Choir
Under the direction of Alison Connolly, this choir has a more modern, informal approach to its music. The choir sings mainly in unison within the body of the church and is accompanied by piano and guitars. They rehearse at 7pm for an hour in the church on a Thursday evening. Once a month, the choir leads the Parish Children's Mass and occasionally, the Mass led by St Peter’s School, where children are encouraged to sing and participate in various parts of the service. At times in the year, the two choirs enjoy coming together to singing jointly at important Parish events. All age groups and voices are welcome within this choir. For details, please contact Alison Connolly.
The Most Holy Redeemer Children’s Choir (MHRCC)
The Children’s Choir, directed by Bernadette Maskell, welcomes children from Primary Years 3 to 6. Rehearsals take place in the church on Thursday afternoons during term time and run from 4.30 pm to 5.15 pm. The children sing for Saturday 6 pm Mass twice each term and give a short musical presentation for parents and friends at the end of each term. They also support various Parish events throughout the year. For details, please contact Bernadette Maskell.