Parish Life
Here you will discover the following:
- The Sacraments
- Finding out about our Faith or becoming a Catholic
- Prayers
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At The Most Holy Redeemer we offer a number of courses that cover the various aspects of the Catholic faith.
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Pastoral Centre
The Canon Roche Pastoral Centre is run by a committee on behalf of the parish. It is used for parish meetings, by parish groups and organisations, and for preparing parishioners to receive the Sacraments.
The centre has rooms which are hired out both to groups and individuals for a one-off event such as a party or on a regular basis for activities such as blood donor sessions.
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The Most Holy Redeemer Church has a fine history of music over many decades.
It has three choirs and a number of other musicians who regularly play in the church.
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Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a method, approved by HMRC, of substantially increasing the value of your offerings at absolutely no cost or inconvenience to you. Your donations are whatever you feel you can afford and need not be a fixed commitment. Whatever you give is gratefully received as your personal support to the Parish.
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